How can you serve?
Serving at New Hope Chapel is something we love to see and we love to use people where God is leading them. From behind the scenes setup and tear down, to greeting people on Sundays, there is something for everyone!

Set Up/Tear Down Crew
Sunday’s don’t happen unless we set up early in the morning and tear down after service. We are looking for people who want to serve early Sunday mornings setting up chairs, getting the children’s check-in set up, and various other set up stages, and also who would be willing to stay late and tear down and put away all our materials.
Welcome Ministry
The Welcome Ministry team sans a few different areas where you can serve. You can serve on our greeter team and welcome people in, hand out bulletins and make new people feel welcome. You can serve on our coffee ministry by helping set up our coffee station, make coffee and help with maintaining the coffee table.

Sound Set-up/Tear down
This set-up and tear down team is different than our regular team. This is a specific team that we are constructing to come in and run cables, bring up sound equipment, set up the stage, plug in microphones, etc. This may take some learning and understnding of sound technology but everyone is teachable in this aspect.
Live Stream/Video Team
Sunday morning service is not only in person but we have developed a great live stream as well for those who are unable to attend with us in person on a Sunday morning. The Live Stream/Video team is growing and we would love for you to be a part of it! The technical aspects of this team may take a bit to learn but we are sure anyone can learn how to serve on this team!

Worship Team
Our worship team is great and we are so excited that we have the ability to grow this team. The worship team would be the only ministry that if you want to serve on would require an “audition”. We love people’s heart of worship but want to make sure those that are on stage are devoted followers and also devoted to New Hope Chapel.