Young Adult Community Group
Currently looking through the Book of Mark. We meet at 7pm in various locations, so make sure to contact us to get the address for where we are meeting that week. We are group of Young Adults that are looking to find strength and relationship with other Young Adults through studying the Bible, and fellowship.
Led by Matt Bishop
Email: mbishop@newhopenorwell.org
Men’s Community Group
Metts every Tuesday night at 7:30pm at the Marshfield Ministry Center (52 Main St, Marshfield). This group is exploring the Book of John. They switch off with study one wek and then focus on prayer the next week.
Led by Tom Morin.
Email: Tomdmorin@aol.com

Women’s Community Group
Meets on Wednesday nights at the Marshfield Ministry Center (52 Main St, Marshfield) at 7pm. They are currently looking at PrayerCourse.org: An 8-week Jounrey through the Lord’s Prayer.
Led by Ginny Westberg
Email: churchoffice@newhopenorwell.org
Couples Community Group
Starting up on April 1st, led by Alex and Cheryl Adaompoulos but meeting at the home of Paul and Rophe Mason. Alex and Cheryl have developed a course for couples that they will explore and share. Come hear their words of wisdom as well as their journey. Come to meet other couples in the faith and learn from them as well.
Led by: Alex and Cheryl Adamopoulos
Email: churchoffice@newhopenorwell.org