Why we believe in giving…

We believe that giving is an important part of our worship. As we seek to make much of God, we know this involves our entire lives, including our finances. It’s your generosity that is changing lives and changing the world.



At New Hope Chapel, we want to continue to be place where your investment makes an eternal difference. Giving online is simple and secure.

Use the “Recurring Gift” below to set up scheduled giving, designate gifts to specific causes and easily track and adjust your giving.

To make a quick one-time donation, click the “One Time Gift” button.


Weekend Worship Service
We collect an offering as part of our Sunday morning services, where you may give by cash, debit card or check (payable to New Hope Chapel). For your convenience, giving envelopes are available on the seats and at the Guest Services desk in the lobby. You can also mail your gift using the provided postage-paid giving envelopes.

You can mail contributions to our church office at:
52 Main st Marshfield Ministry Center
Marshfield, MA 02050

Automatic Bank Pay
This is an easy and effective way to systematically give through your checking or savings account. Simply log onto your individual bank account through your bank’s website and follow their instructions to set up New Hope Chapel as a new payee.